Bouleau Lake

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Bouleau Lake


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Prince Nymph Beadhead
Robin Nymph
Rubber Leg Hare's Ear
Rubberleg Stonefly
San Juan Worm
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Prince Nymph Beadhead Robin Nymph Rubber Leg Hare's Ear Rubberleg Stonefly San Juan Worm

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Buntzen Lake - South
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 1 Pikeminnow
Wed, Mar 20, 2024
Swalwell Lake - West
Fishing: Moderate
Catch: 5 Rainbow Trout
Sun, Feb 04, 2024
Francis Lake
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 1 Rainbow Trout
Mon, Nov 13, 2023
Chehalis - Logging Bridge
Fishing: Unknown
Catch: 0
Fri, Jun 23, 2023
Devils Lake - Mission
Fishing: Good
Catch: 2 Bass
Wed, Jun 07, 2023
Hicks Lake
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 2 Rainbow Trout
Sat, Jun 03, 2023
Elbow Lake
Fishing: Good
Catch: 5 Rainbow Trout
Fri, Jun 02, 2023
Mill Lake
Fishing: Unknown
Catch: 0
Mon, Feb 27, 2023