Happy Day Inn

Happy Day Inn
7330 6th St
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada, V3N 3L3
(604) 524-8501
Whether your travel is for pleasure or business, you will find your stay at the Happy Day Inn an enjoyable one where you will get your money’s worth. And since our rates are amazingly affordable, you can spend more on your vacation or business. Happy Day Inn is located 20 minutes from Downtown Vancouver in the heart of Burnaby in beautiful British Columbia. Its central location, within easy reach to all modes of public transportation makes it an ideal starting point for discovering Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. It is also convenient for people who would like to get away from the congested downtown area and yet remain close to it.

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Buntzen Lake - South
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 1 Pikeminnow
Wed, Mar 20, 2024
Swalwell Lake - West
Fishing: Moderate
Catch: 5 Rainbow Trout
Sun, Feb 04, 2024
Francis Lake
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 1 Rainbow Trout
Mon, Nov 13, 2023
Chehalis - Logging Bridge
Fishing: Unknown
Catch: 0
Fri, Jun 23, 2023
Devils Lake - Mission
Fishing: Good
Catch: 2 Bass
Wed, Jun 07, 2023
Hicks Lake
Fishing: Fair
Catch: 2 Rainbow Trout
Sat, Jun 03, 2023
Elbow Lake
Fishing: Good
Catch: 5 Rainbow Trout
Fri, Jun 02, 2023
Mill Lake
Fishing: Unknown
Catch: 0
Mon, Feb 27, 2023